Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Mission Music
Granted, we have neglected this blog for 4 long weeks now! After returning from the consecutive WSF trip we realized that being away from home for 3 months means you have to fix both minor and major catastrophes. To mention just one, our snail mail forwarding by the German Postal Service ("Deutsche Post AG") did not work as it should have – consequently a number of important letters never reached their destination and in turn we missed some crucial deadlines. Needless to say that trouble was pre-programmed …
But all those of you reading ROTOR magazine certainly did not get bored! Part 4 of our 5-part WSF series brought us onto the cover!

It is our third cover story after issues 01/2006 and 07/2007, and we can assure you it's as nice and cool as the first time! Walking into a book store, pulling out a magazine and looking into your own face is a very special feeling; it's not that you get ecstatic or something – not at all! But it makes you smile and feel just a little bit different from all the hundreds and thousands of people around you. Especially since you aren't on the title because of your looks – but because you achieved something, and because it is your words that are in this very issue.
It's this point when you mustn't forget how all of this came to be. A large number of cool people contributed their share to the success of a larger-than-life project – the "World Scenic Flights". So after all it is not your cover story – it is theirs! We all are HeliGraphix, we all went through this together, even if you just supported and motivated us by reading this blog. So here we are, all of us, holding in our hands another great issue of ROTOR magazine with the fruits of our efforts on the cover. And again it leaves a smile. :-)
About two weeks ago we met up with Patrick Damiani from TidalWave recording studios. He's a musical whiz kid and the one who made the special heavy metal version of the "Maya the Bee" theme we used for Episodes #7+ (see HeliGraphix/Download/Maya The Bee). The full version is just incredible and will be featured in greater length in the final Episode #10 (now is the all wrong time to ask for a release date!).

There is no doubt the soundtrack for the "World Scenic Flights" will have to be as monumental as the film itself. I had a real neat composition idea but wasn't sure whether it's possible to play the piece or not. Patrick and I discussed the subject for 2 or 3 hours, and he thinks he might be able to record everything in the right way! --- Ah, so it is a secret?! Well, no, it's definitely not a secret, but it may be wise to keep silent until Patrick confirms it actually works! That way everybody will be thrilled when they hear the song rather than being disappointed should it not work. It's also a matter of cost since special equipment will be needed.

One funny incident before we close for today: Patrick was born and raised in Luxembourg – the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, to be more exact. Between two bites of his dinner he mentioned that he felt deeply devoted to his home country. Sooooo ... how come that HeliGraphix travels all over the world but misses Luxembourg?! You hear this one coming …
Target and strategy are already lying on our desk, and the batteries are charging. We'll keep you posted … :-)

One funny incident before we close for today: Patrick was born and raised in Luxembourg – the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, to be more exact. Between two bites of his dinner he mentioned that he felt deeply devoted to his home country. Sooooo ... how come that HeliGraphix travels all over the world but misses Luxembourg?! You hear this one coming …
Target and strategy are already lying on our desk, and the batteries are charging. We'll keep you posted … :-)
Labels: magazine cover, music, Patrick Damiani, recording studio, ROTOR, soundtrack, TidalWave, title
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